Monday, November 7, 2011

Sit and Think

Sit and Think

I sit and think about freedom,
I sit and think about you,
I sit and think about everything,
While I’m sitting,
Waiting for you.
Instantly I lost my heart to you,
So many years ago,
Like a set of keys hiding elusively from
Common normalicies.
I knew it was gone but I found
I had a little piece of your mind in return,
Returning my thoughts to the questions.
The questions drove me mad but the answers
Made me calm and always I craved your heart.
I had it once, 
Long ago,
When I gave you mine.
I remember the completeness and thought I could
Find it anywhere.  
The ignorant fool that I was…
The years since,
I’ve discovered unexplainable wonders of the mind,
Wonders only years can inflict on most.
I am the exception to most and you’re the exception to me.
How I long for you,
Your touch,
Your voice in my ear,
Telling me everything’s going to be alright.
I long for your insight and direction,
Your breath on my neck,
Your teeth on my skin,
Your eyes staring knowingly into mine own.
My inspirational muse,
My love,
My love,
You are my reality in this sad existence.
You’re my color through the grey.
You give meaning to that word,
That tattered phrase;
I love you.
And so,
My love,
Love you I do.

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