Friday, November 11, 2011



(for jim c)
my enemy in this world, my nemesis.
This is the idea in this world that everyone is addicted to;
Money does not possess me, because I have no urge to control people,
I have no urge for power.
I consider myself an artist,
And my art is all that I need in this world.
I do not create my art for money;
I create art for life.
Life is all that any of us truly need, 
And life is what so few of us truly possess.
Money is an instrument of control, wielded by the powers that be…
The POWERS that be.
We will never be a civilized planet,
Whilst this silly idea of money perceives.
I call it an idea because there is no standard;
There is no backing to this faulted truth.
Unfortunately, we just accept the control.
A question:
If an alien race were ever to contact us,
Could anyone actually,
Truly believe,
That this race would have any way of understanding the idea of money?
(unless they were slave traders of course)
I think not.
We are the Human species,
And money separates every single one of us from one another.
I believe in the mind,
And my mind laughs at this childish idea of money.
Money traps us in the physical,
Where I laugh alone.

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